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Official Rules


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  • Administrator


1. Respect players & Staff 
Any form of harassment towards players or staff will not be tolerated. If you do not comply with this rule, your access to the game will be revoked.

2. Racism 
Any use of racist remarks will NOT be tolerated. We ask players to be respectful with the words they choose to use in chat, as it could come across differently to another person, causing unnecessary drama.

Safespotting is not permitted in profitable areas. Areas of such include bosses, mini-bosses, and any monster that has a profitable drop. Punishment can be a bank reset & or ban if continued.

4. Third-Party Software: Jail/Ban
The use of third-party software that allows a member to have an unfair advantage in any way will result in a punishment that the staff member attending sees fit. This usually is a temporary ban but can result in a permanent ban. This includes but is not limited to auto-clickers, auto-typers, bots, ghost-mousing, auto-hotkeys, etc. There's NO reason to risk it!

5. Advertising 
Do not mention any other "RSPS." This is not allowed in private messages, public chat, forums, Discord, etc. Any mention of a RSPS within the community can result in punishment.

6. Bug Abuse 
Any form of bug abuse will not be tolerated. We respect our community, and we expect the community to be honest with us if they find an unlikely bug in the system.

7. Scamming.
Scamming is NOT acceptable, and if reported and proven guilty will face consequences.

8. Profanity & Harassment 
Players will not intentionally harass, flame, or degrade other Players or Staff.

9. Wilderness
A player may only have one account in the wilderness at any time

10. Alt Accounts.

A player may only have two accounts participating during seasonal events. 

11. Abusing of Alt Accounts.

Any form of alt account abusing for content will be faced with consequences.



Runura Administration Team


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