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Love the guide! gonna be super helpful for new players great work!
Geez, Where was this when I needed it, had to learn demonics the hard way 😕 Nice guide, keep it up! - Ben
Demonic Gorillas 1. Overview of Demonic Gorillas Demonic Gorillas are a unique type of monster/semi boss that tests your ability to hybrid/tribrid and switch prayers, Similarly to the gauntlet. 1 key difference is that the gorillas attack with all 3 styles instead of 2 and their protect pray is determined by damage threshold done to them in the style you used instead of hit counts. To get there, simply teleport to crash site cavern under monster teles. Demonic gorillas drops a bunch of coins and zenyte shards which are required for zenyte jewellries (Anguish, tormented bracelet, Ammy of torture, ring of suffering). These jewelries are mostly BiS (currently, until things like rancour comes in the future) in its respective slots and are highly sought after. 2. Requirements The Demonic gorillas can be completed with slightly lower stats, but the following are recommended for the smoothest experience: Ranged: 90+ Melee: 90+ you can technically use mage but melee + range seems to be best given the gears we have currently (mage is just ass right now sadly) Prayer: 45 (for Protection Prayers) preferably 74+ with piety and rigour; Hitpoints: 90+ 3. Gear and Inventory Setup A variety of gear can be used here depending on how comfortable you are with switching and availability of your gears. for armors I'd focus more on range based as the accuracy bonus is more apparent in ranged armor vs melee bonus provided by melee armors, unless you are willing to do more switching. Helmet slot : slayer helm (if on black demons task) > Void ranger/melee (my personal fave off task, less switching involved too) > Serpentine helmet/ crystal helmet (if using bowfa) > netiznot Body slot + Leg slot : elite void (if using void sets)/ crystal armor (if using bowfa) > statius and/or arma (bring both if you want to switch,else stick to just arma) > karils Gloves : Barrows / Void (if using void set) Boots: Prims/Pegs Ring: Berserker(i) / suffering/ brimstone(best for hybrid) cape: infernal/ assember > fire cape Necklace : Bloodfury > Torture/anguish > Fury Weapons (Ranged): Bowfa > arma/dragon/rune crossbow + dstonebolts (e) / Blowpipe > magic shortbow Weapons (melee): Blade of saeldor > Tent whip > normal whip Offhand : dragon defender > dragonfire shield, any ranged offhand (if you are using crossbows) Inventory : Divine super combat + divine ranging (substitute with normals if you dont have divines), 6-8 prayer pots , weapon switch, 6-8 anglers + 6-8 karambwans (can substitute foods with sara brew + super restores), bring less food/prayer pots if you are using more switches but this usually leads to less kills per trip. This is what i personally bring for gear + inventory setup : 4. Fight mechanics Prayers: Demonic Gorillas will pray to all 3 styles based on how much damage it received from a particular style. when it receives 50 or more damage off pray, it will switch to the prayer of the last used combat (e.g. If it's praying melee and you hit it 40 with ranged 1st then use mage to hit 15, it will pray mage). Demonic Gorillas always starts with Melee pray. Attacks: Demonic Gorillas generally start the fight with melee if you attack it in melee range, otherwise it will use either its range attack (rock throw) or mage attack (some green ball /vomit thingamabob). The gorilla will attack at least 3x with its current style (it will swap its attack after 3 missed hits a.k.a player takes no damage. so it does not necessarily only count if it hits you on pray. as long as it is a 0 it counts towards the 3 hits. Special boulder drop does not count to the 3 attacks.) then switches to another style most of the time. It is extremely rare that it sticks to its current style after 3 failed hits (special circumstance may cause it to use the same hits e.g. after 3 failed ranged attack, it attempts to use melee but cant get into melee range in time, it will then attempt to use range/mage. not sure if it's intended like in OSRS or not). If you do not pray correctly to his hits, it may hit you a a max hit of 30~ Special attacks: In addition to above, the Gorilla will occasionally drop a boulder on your spot which hits you for 33% of your current hp. Do note that since this is based on your current hp, this attack cannot kill you. but it still hurts like a mother. just step away from your original tile and you're good to go 5. Strategy and Tips Turn on the Demonic gorilla plug in, it will have the indicator on top of it's head, showing which style it is using. (do note that melee plugin is bugged as it counts towards the hit even when it successfully hits or when it drops a boulder, so you have to manually count the hits yourself. Do not panic if you miss the prayer, just quickly switch to the style he is using. You can minimize the damage you take by doing some moves to help you narrow down which style he is using next. the Rule of thumb here is that 1) Demonic gorilla rarely use the same style after 1 cycle, 2) when they are attempting to use Melee, it will try to move towards you. Thus, using this you can predict majority of its attacks and use far less food in your trip. After a range/mage cycle by simply walking away before his new cycle starts. If you see him chase you, quickly switch to melee pray as it is an indicator that melee attack is coming, if he stays put, switch to style that he did not use previously. 6. Rewards and Conclusion Demonic gorillas drop ballista parts and other goodies but what you are here mainly for is the Zenyte shards. They also drop a good amount of noted supplies (mid-high level herbs) and coins (around 100k~ ish per kill).
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Hi, im Afterlife!
Ben replied to Afterlife's topic in Introductions
Wassaaa! Pleasure having you over here on Forums as well! You should start up a 5-Side football team with your lil army at home 😉 (Soccer🤢for you non Europeans) - Ben- 1 reply
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HeadHunterz replied to HeadHunterz's topic in Introductions
Yooo no way!! What are the chances of that?? And I'm glad they've continued to remain approachable people! I remember it being a genuinely safe place, kids riding bikes everywhere, park always full, public pool is always loaded. And enjoy your MCC experience!!! I've yet to play Infinite's campaign but I've loved the MCC, just recently beat 2, 3 and Reach on Legendary again haha.Afterlife started following Hi, im Afterlife!hello everyone! Here's a little bit of info about me. I am a father of 6 children, and currently have been engaged for the last 8 years! I have always been into gaming and thus passed on this passion to my kids. I grew up not having alot and always wanted to give my kids more then what i had. Thus meaning i work all the time to provide for my mini army haha. When im not spending time with my family im relaxing to a good game. Personally i am always trying to help others to make the most of every day. This being said, i will always try to assist you all as much as possible so that we can all grow and have a blast on runura!- 1 reply
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Pv3 replied to HeadHunterz's topic in Introductions
Ironically enough, the plows are the only thing I remember about the 2018 Winter Olympics! Also, it is a very small world. I work in Seville and Orrville occasionally. The Smucker's facility has it's own Power Plant. I do the scheduled maintenance and emergency shutdowns on that thang! That's wild bro. It's like out in the middle of nowhere, but I mostly remember the hospitality from the locals. Literally the nicest and most respectful folks you could meet. You brought up Halo, now I'm going to have to break out the Master Chief collection sometime soon. Looking forward to meeting you in-gameWhat it dooo! Welcome my brotha and happy to have you here! 💯Greetings!
Gollm replied to HeadHunterz's topic in Introductions
Welcome HeadHunterz ! hope you have an amazing time !! I must say uncrustables are amazing !!! Frozen , pan fried in butter LOL covered in marshmallow fluff 😮 so many things don't get me started 👽 Halo brings back so many great memories! hope to share some fun stories with you 🙂 Amazing Tractor lore 😮 Ill be on the lookout to find some in the wilderness of life 😄Whats up everyone! I hope this introduction finds you well and gives you a little insight about who I am and what I strive for! My name's Sean, and I was born and raised in Nothern Ohio. If anybody knows the brand Smuckers, that's basically where I grew up and lived. Smucker's owns all the land in my hometown of Orrville, Ohio as well as other big name brands including Jif, Folgers, and the fabled Smucker's Uncrustables. (hint: eat the uncrustables lightly frozen, it's genuinely the best PBJ you'll ever have) An interesting fact about me revolves my family on my dads side, the Steiner family. Some of you who own land or lived in the country may have heard of the Steiner Tractor. Well, that's my grandparents and great aunts and uncles! They invented the Steiner tractor many years ago, and eventually sold it to a businessman in Germany. Then, they founded Ventrac Inc., home of the Ventrac Tractor. Ventrac made headlines in the 2018 Korean Winter Olympics as they used it to clear snowed paths and rinks, since it was so lightweight compared to everything else on the market. Also personally, I was top 1000 of the National open tournement for Halo 4 on Xbox 360 in 2012, the same one Ninja won with the Warriors! Admittedly I only lasted a couple brackets after reaching top 1000 with my team, but knowing we hit top 1000 in the nation was good enough for me and my team. My IGN is HeadHunterz. Some people ask where I got the username HeadHunterz from, and I've been asked many times if I'm from New Zealand. I'm not, I just really enjoy both Path of Exile and the music artist, so it was a perfect combination of both! I'm an open and friendly person. If anybody has any questions or wants to just shout out, don't hesitate to send me a message on here or in game! I'm happy to be here, and happy to continue being part of the amazing community!Staff Update 26JAN25
Ben posted a topic in Staff Updates
Hey guys, Lots of staff changes this month! Some for the better due to inactivity and life decisions. We all understand life can get busy at times, and real-life comes first. However, Congratulations to the ones who moved up! You guys have been doing outstanding work ❤️ If you're interested in joining our team and meet the requirements, feel free to apply here: Here are the latest Staff changes: Promotions: @Gollm has been promoted to Global Moderator @Louie has been promoted to Server Moderator @Pv3 has been promoted to Forum Moderator @Afterlife has been promoted to Server Support @tanktoptiger has been promoted to Server Support @HeadHunterz has been promoted to Server Support Resignations: @Pv3 has resigned from Server Support (will remain as Forum Moderator only) @Justin has resigned from Server Moderator @Blue has resigned from Server Moderator @krisdk12 has resigned from Server Support Demotions: @Trippy has been demoted from Server Support -- @Ben Runura Administration TeamDag King ~ Simple Ranging Guide ~ YOUTUBE
Ben replied to Pv3's topic in Monster Guides
Great work. Thank you for providing this guide ❤️Now I can finally do gauntlet properly! Nice one - BenThank you ! already learning new things 😄Thanks for the guide tank✅The crystal prison(the Gauntlet) 1. Overview of the Gaunlet The Gauntlet is a minigame much like the one in OSRS but a much more simplified version in Runura (resource gathering removed;boss fight only). It is the place where you grind for 1 of the best ranging armor (crystal armour) and one of the most expensive and highly desired ranged weapon (Bowfa) in game that can be used or various other pvm content. Best part about the Gauntlet is the fact that there is no gear required and it provides a bunch of alchables (rune/dragon stuff), so even new players can enter and grind it out without worrying about existing gears. 2. Requirements The Gauntlet can be completed with a variety of stats, but the following are recommended for the smoothest experience: Ranged: 90+ Mage: 90+ (you can techncially do the 5-1 method, utilizing only 1 mainstyle but recommended to just stick to hybriding for an easier time) Prayer: 45 (for Protection Prayers + mystic might/eagle eye) preferably 77+ with rigour and augury; Hitpoints: 90+ 3. Gear and Inventory Setup No gear is required as you aren't allowed to bring any item in anyway. you collect your gear from the crystal thingy in the middle when you enter the gauntlet. 4. Boss fight mechanics The boss fight will test your ability to deal with a number of mechnanics. I would say it's most similar to demonic gorrillas in a sense due to requiring at least 2 styles (boss prayers) + prayer switching. Boss prayers: Hunlief starts out the fight protecting from Melee, then switches his prayer according to your 6th attack style (hence the mention of 5-1 earlier, where you hit him 5 times with your primary style, then unequip and kick him on your 6th attack to get him to protect from melee). generally it's alot easier to just switch between range/mage after every 6 hits. Basic Attack: Hunlief starts the fight using ranged basic attacks then switches to Magic after 4 hits and alternates between the 2 until the end of the fight, both of which can be fully negated with the right prayer. You can either count the number of attacks then switch accordingly, or rely on other visible animation cues to signal changing of style (he will have lightning charge around him when switching to mage, Crystal spikes around his body/head when switching to range [not to be confused with when he uses tornado; more on this below]. if you do miss the prayer, it can hit 30+ (IIRC) off pray Special attacks: In addition to above, Hunlief has 4 special attacks: 1) Disco floor/ floor is lava: This attack starts with him colouring some tiles on the floor in blue for a few seconds before turning red. Avoid standing on these when it turns red as it will damage you every tick (roughly 5-10 per tick) 2) Disarm Prayer: This attack looks very similar to his Magic attack, except he will disable your prayers. keep calm and switch your protects back on after being hit by this. 3) Tornado storm: This is by far the most annoying mechanic to deal with when it comes to Hunlief. During the fights he will summon 1/3 tornado that chases you around the room and deals 4-12 damage per tick if it reaches you. These tornadoes on its own is not too difficult to deal with but coupled with Disco floor and managing your prayer, can turn out to be a deadly combination, especially with 3 tornadoes stacked onto you. 4) Trample: Hunlief will trample you if you happen to run under him which can deal 40 + damage [iirc] but this mechanic is rarely encountered if you stick to mage/ranged. 5. Strategy and Tips Before entering the room, do ensure you take the full perfected armor set and the bow + staff, along with 1 potion(generally you dont need more than 1 if your combat is high enough) and full invent of paddlefish if you are just starting out. Do not panic if you lose count of the attacks, his damage only registers when the projectile hits you (at least in my experience) rather than when he launches the attack, so you can look at his projectile and switch accordingly; The ranged attack looks like a horn while the mage attack is a magic ball attack. Having to keep count of your attacks while managing your prayer while avoiding his special attacks can be abit overwhelming, but a tiny little trick to help keep track with your 6 attack style is to sync it with his 4 attacks (if you do not stop attacking, your 6th attack should be right before he launches his 1st attack of his 2nd style), so you can time switching weapons together with your protect pray switch. 6. Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Getting tricked by his tornado and thinking its animation for style switch: As mentioned, the animation for tornado and him switching style can be very similar and sometimes it tricks you into switching off pray. Best solution to this is to either just keep the count in your head or to watch for his projectile after you switch pray and to quickly switch back if required. Ignoring the Tornado/lava floors: These mechanics when stacked up can deal significant damage and cause your hp to drop rather significantly. The room can feel rather claustrophobic depending on his lava floor placement but at times its better to soak 1-2 ticks of damage of that than to get hit by triple tornadoes [if you do, move off as soon as you can to avoid taking too much damage]. Best solution is to stack up the tornadoes then kite it by move to a new tile as soon as you launch an attack. 7. Rewards and Conclusion Upon defeating Hunlief, You can claim your loot from the reward chest, which consist mostly of rune/dragon items, sometimes giving other Etc. items like arrows, runes, coins, gems, and the highly sought after Enhanced weapon seed/armor seeds. With the right preparation, strategy, and patience, the Gauntlet will be an easy grind for all you Bowfa+crystal armor hopefuls out there. 8. Video example Below is an example of a kill, im not the best pvmer so it looks abit scuffed. With a little practice and you probably can do a kill without eating or minimal eating 🙂(Also apologies on the vid quality as im playing on a 34" monitor so it scales rather poorly. )Good work!Thank you for this great video!!Below is a simple Dag King guide for killing the trio using only range. Just a reference guide to help you get the mechanics down. Equipment, inventory - those are on you and can be adjusted based on your preference, i.e. range for magic, antipoison for something a bit stronger. etc. Enjoy.Beaver and Rock Golem have been claimed. Snakeling and Vorki Pet remains! Edit: Event has come to an end! Beaver and Rock Golem claimed! Skakeling and Vorki Pet did not, better luck next time all ❤️ Thank you all to who participated and had fun doing so ❤️Ben started following tanktoptigerThis is just a quick reference guide for skilling pets to highlight the odds for each associated resource. This is not meant to be a specified or comprehensive skilling guide. This is nothing fancy, but hopefully it is still effective and helps. It will be updated for further pets as drop rates are determined. ----GOLEM - MINING---- Clay | Copper | Tin | 1 / 74,160 Iron | Silver | Sandstone | Granite | Coal | 1 / 29,064 Gold | 1 / 29,664 Mithril | 1 / 14,842 Adamant | 1 / 9,328 Rune | 1 / 4,237 Gem Rock | 1 / 9,328 Amathyst | 1 / 2,500 ----BEAVER - WOODCUTTING---- Regular | 1 / 31,764 Oak | 1 / 36,114 Sapling | 1 / 31,764 Achey | 1 / 31,764 Juniper | 1 / 36,000 Willow | 1 / 28,928 Teak | 1 / 28,928 Maple | 1 / 22,191 Mahogany | 1 / 16,541 Yew | 1 / 14,501 Magic | 1 / 7,232 Redwood | 1 / 6,200 Corrupt Tree | 1 / 6,200- 1 reply
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Add Item Names in the Trading Post interface
Bae replied to Pv3's topic in Suggestions
I love the idea, the only reason I haven't already done this is because I want to rework it entirely. At the moment we're using the pre-exisitng trading post that was on this source already which works fine, but has some flaws, like the one you mentioned and that you listings only visable when you're online. I'll see if I can sort it out for the next update for now tho! Great suggestion!×- Create New...